Jade Jasmine Hurley (she/her) is an essayist, literary journalist, and organizer who works to further reproductive justice, transnational feminism, and worker power.
She considers herself a pen behind the movement for liberation, and is a leading voice in the worker’s fight for reproductive justice.
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Teen Vogue
May 2024
“These influencers are pushing a message to “be clean, be optimized and be as perfect an example of femininity as you can be,” Hurley said – values that are reminiscent of the “tradwife” movement and other far-right ideas about gender.
“The fundamental thing that these antis want to get rid of are not birth control pills, it’s not even abortion,” Hurley said. “They want to get rid of our autonomy and our ability to choose the direction of our own lives.”
Washington City Paper
January 2024
“My Body, My Festival is set to be a revolutionary celebration of D.C.’s strong local music scene, small businesses, and ongoing support for abortion access. Hurley describes it as new, transgressive, community-powered, and from the ground up, just like abortion funds.
“Abortion for many people is joy. It’s the best decision they’ve ever made. And we’re allowed to have that joy too,” Hurley says. “My Body, My Festival is not just joy, it’s also an action. Every ticket goes toward funding abortion. What’s better than that?””
If Not Now
November 2024 (INN03)
“Brat Red, Brat Blue, Brat Me, Brat You” for INN03:
“You won’t only find her proselytizing in a dive bar or sharing her lighter at a house show; the “brat” is tortured by hangxiety, shut in her house after a night of social performance. The “brat” is on the perpetual run from her family, catching flights and numbing herself to escape her inherited rot. The “brat” feels simultaneous shame at the trajectory of her career and defensiveness over the integrity of her creations. The “brat” is jealous, paranoid, suicidal, grieving, grateful, ready to give up, ready to reinvent, ready to accept herself, horrified at that prospect.
The “brat” is not a 2024 “girl’s girl”—she is human.”
Substack: Top Culture Posts
September 2024
“Your Fave is Selling a Pedophilic Fantasy” for JADE FAX:
“If we want to talk capital, then investing in male fantasy will produce the best-possible return. With a current fanbase of 94.9 million people—majority women—Sabrina’s superstardom is only rising, as is her influence and capital gain. Her and her team’s use of pedophilic fantasy in Sabrina’s core brand—while unfortunately, a smart business decision—will have ramifications on the self-imagination of her fans…and beyond.
Her brand is trapped in the ouroboros of feminist sexuality. Balancing the desires of self, hypothetical fans, real relationships, business strategists, and the music industry at large is a Kobiyashi Maru; you can’t win—you’re just eaten. While we’ll likely watch Sabrina get “woman’d” soon, just like peers Chappell Roan and Charli XCX, but I wonder if her proximity to Girl will keep her safer. More precious to all of us.
I wonder if that is the point.”